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    Galuh Pradipta

Learning Channels in Golang

Channels are an essential feature of the Go programming language. They provide a way for different goroutines to communicate and synchronize with each other. In this article, we will discuss the basics of channels and how they can be used effectively in Go programs.

What is a Channel?

A channel is a data structure that allows goroutines to communicate with each other. It is similar to a pipe that connects two goroutines, allowing them to send and receive values. Channels are typed, which means that they can only transmit values of a specific type.

Creating a Channel

To create a channel in Go, we use the make function. The make function takes the type of the channel as an argument and returns a new channel.

myChannel := make(chan int)

In this example, we create a new channel that can transmit values of type int.

Sending and Receiving Values

To send a value over a channel, we use the <- operator. The arrow points to the channel that we want to send the value to.

myChannel <- 42

In this example, we send the value 42 over the channel.

To receive a value from a channel, we also use the <- operator. However, the arrow points in the opposite direction.

value := <- myChannel

In this example, we receive a value from the channel and store it in the variable value.

Closing a Channel

When we are done using a channel, we should close it to indicate that no more values will be sent on it. To close a channel, we use the close function.


In this example, we close the channel myChannel.

Select Statement

The select statement is used to choose between multiple channels that are ready to send or receive a value. It allows us to write non-blocking code that can handle multiple channels at once.

select {
case value := <- channel1:
    // handle value from channel1
case value := <- channel2:
    // handle value from channel2
    // handle case where no channel is ready

In this example, we use the select statement to receive a value from either channel1 or channel2. If no channel is ready, we handle the default case.


Channels are a powerful feature of the Go programming language. They provide a safe and efficient way for goroutines to communicate and synchronize with each other. By understanding how to use channels effectively, we can write high-quality Go programs that are concurrent and scalable.